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Pneumatic Transport

Pneumatic Transport


Categories: Fluid Lab Equipment

Pneumatic Transport

The pneumatic conveying device can be used to convey the dispersed solids in the pipeline.
The solids are transported to an air flow feed tank through a vibrating tank, and the air flow transports the solids to the pipe, and the transportation in the collection tank is terminated.
Depending on the speed of the air flow and the solids content, different transport conditions may occur. At high speeds, the solids are dispersed in a tube of uniform cross-section (dilute phase transport). If the speed is reduced, the solid particles will slide down due to their higher settling speed. The particles disintegrate again in the air flow and reduce the speed, reducing the settling speed of the individual particles, which eventually leads to blockage and transportation. Through the transparent tube, different transportation states can be observed.
To determine the pressure loss and flow rate, the measurement point is set at the relevant location. The air speed is adjusted by a pressure regulator. The flow of solid particles can be adjusted by the vibration feed controller. Compressed air must be provided from the laboratory.

Pneumatic Transport ALTEC Laboratory Equipments and ALTEC Laboratory Instruments Tenders.

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