Chlorine Pooltester Scales Manufacturer and Supplier in India
Chlorine Pooltester Scales

Chlorine Pooltester Scales


Categories: Sanitation and Hygiene Equipment

Chlorine Pooltester Scales

Pooltester Chlorine/pH, visual color comparison, block type, with two residual chlorine scales.
Using two colorimetric scales for chlorine residual, enabling both low and high levels of chlorine to be monitored, and one colorimetric scale for pH, on the same transparent plastic material block.
Measuring Ranges:
for Chlorine LR from 0 to 1.0 mg/l
for Chlorine HR from 0 to 6.0 mg/l
for pH from 6.8 to 8.4

Chlorine Pooltester Scales ALTEC Laboratory Equipments and ALTEC Laboratory Instruments Tenders.

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