Auto Electronics Trainer Manufacturer and Supplier in India
Auto Electronics Trainer

Auto Electronics Trainer


Categories: Automobile Engineering

Tags: Auto Electronics Trainer

Auto Electronics Trainer

This hands-on learning resource allows students to build a variety of introductory automotive electronic circuits using a range of on-board and carrier-mounted components.
With the cover closed, units become stackable for easy storage.
Students are set tasks that encourage them to explore circuits practically, to help develop their understanding of electrical components, circuits and systems.
The unique design of the unit includes a heavy-duty casing with transparent protective cover.
When in use, the cover folds back to provide an angled support for the board.
They also develop diagnostic and fault-finding skills using real test equipment.

Practical topics covered include:-
Simple circuits and measurements
Battery, fuse, switch and lamp components
Common ground circuits
Wiring diagrams
Current flow
Circuit faults
Lamps in series and parallel
Switches in series and parallel
Two- and three-position switches
Ohm’s Law and Resistance

Auto Electronics Trainer ALTEC Laboratory Equipments and ALTEC Laboratory Instruments Tenders.

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